Monday, November 20, 2017

Organic Food - helping us in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Organic food is the product of farming which avoids the use of pesticides, synthetic chemical, hormones, genetic engineering , irradiation etc. Organic food have healthier dietary patterns such as a higher consumption of whole fruits and vegetables, wholegrain etc as compared to meat and poultry products. These organic food gives you a healthy lifestyle.

Organic food are also environment friendly because of natural land use and emission of green house gases. This is the perfect example of sustainable food system.

Benefits of consumption of organic food:

  • Reduced risk of chronic diseases such as Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Lower risk of childhood allergies
  • Less chance of overweight and obesity
  • Organic food contains more vitamin C and phosphorus as compared to conventional foods.
  • Organic food reduces fossil fuel consumption and environmental contamination with  pesticides 

Top 8 organic food rich in antioxidants

Black plums: eating fresh plumes and their dried companions prunes help the human body to absorb more iron .

Black berries: they are rich in anthocyanin (pigment produce antioxidants) which help in prevention of cancer and heart diseases.

Raspberries: rich source of vitamin C, when they are available in market freeze it and store. It maintains it nutritive value while storage

Pomegranate: their seeds give the extra healthful boost of dietary fibre.

Strawberries: it is rich in ellagic acid, which is known to have their anticancer properties and good for skin also.

Red Delicious Apples: bright red skins contain most of the antioxidants, also rich in pectin which helps in lowering cholesterol and rich in boron which helps in absorption of calcium.

Red cabbage:  contain more phytonutrients as compared to green cabbage which help in prevention health diseases.

Red cherries: rich in calcium and potassium, help in pain of arthritis due to their anti-inflammatory properties.

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