Sunday, November 19, 2017

How to live healthy - living a healthy lifestyle

According to recent studies by National Family Health Survey, obesity is increasingly becoming a severe malnutrition issue. The number of obese people are increasing day by day. Obesity in children below the age of 5 is becoming prevalent.

As per expert opinion, obesity is closely linked to multiple chronic health disorders. It is a significant contributor to Type 2 Diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus) and accounts for more than 80 percent risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes.

That being said, maintaining a right balance between food and exercise - the two most essential factors which influence health of a person, can help you to achieve your goal - To live a healthy life!


  • Eat multiple small meals instead of limited meals which are very heavy.
  • Remember, dinner does not need to be the largest meal, but it should be the lightest!
  • Keep your focus on consumption of whole grains, fruits, veggies, and milk products which are low fat
  • If you like to eat meat, you can opt for lean or low fat meat. White meat is the best source of protein along with other items like fist, beans, eggs and nuts.
  • Check the consumption of foods with high content of saturated fats, sodium, added sugar, cholesterol and trans-fat.
  • It is always better to check out the labelled information on packaged food items, to find out the concentration of ingredients you want to avoid
  • Limit or moderate the portion sizes of the food you eat. You should eat the amount required to satisfy your hunger, not gluttony.
  • Sodas, aerated drinks and sugary drinks are best avoided.
  • Its better to have fresh fruit juice instead of packaged juice since they have high concentration of added sugar and contain preservatives as well.
  • You should avoid eating a large meal just before sleeping. This prevents gastroesophageal reflux and weight gain.


  • Doing regular exercise helps us in prevention of age related muscle degeneration and increases strength. It also helps in maintaining balance and endurance.
  • If you do 30 mins of exercise like brisk walks, jogging for at least 5 days in a week, it can have amazing benefits for your body.
  • Break your schedule into small 10 min exercise sessions throughout the day.
  • You should start from low intensity exercise and then slowly move upwards to higher intensity. It helps to avoid soreness of muscles and any muscle injury.
  • Any type of exercise - whether be it walking, running, swimming, weight training, yoga - are help for almost everybody.
  • Encourage your children to exercise on a a regular basis. Playing outdoor sports is a great way of exercising your children.
  • Exercising regularly decreases stress and anxiety. It also has a positive effect on your mood, self-confidence and helps in improvement of overall mental health.
So, diet control and regular exercise are a great way of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You should also strive to reduce your stress, anxiety and depression. Here is a diet which can help.

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