As we know that after pregnancy the milk production in nursing mothers is a natural process.
In some how new mothers facing lot more problems while feeding like improper milk
control pills, certain hormonal changes in the body, nutritional deficiencies, improper
latching position of the baby and infrequent breastfeeding due to cracked nipples.
Inadequate breast milk can put your baby at a high risk of malnutrition, a weak immune
system, poor memory and many other health problems.
As breast milk is a very important nutritional source for newborn babies and infants, it is
important to take steps to increase its supply. Your doctor can prescribe medications. But
you may also be able to increase breast milk production yourself by practicing some easy
and simple home remedies.
1. Fenugreek
Fenugreek is considered a good home remedy for stimulating the milk-producing
glands. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens that helps increase breast milk
production. It is believed that it stimulates sweat gland activity; mammary glands
are modified sweat glands.
2. Fennel Seeds
Fennel seeds also help increase breast milk production. This herb acts as a
galactogogue, a substance that helps the body produce more breast milk. Fennel
seeds aid digestion and help prevent colic pain in small babies.
3. Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds are also believed to stimulate milk production. It improves
digestion and provides relief from constipation, acidity and bloating. They are also
a source of iron that provides strength to new mothers after childbirth.
4. Cinnamon
According to Ayurveda, cinnamon will also help to increase secretion of breast
milk. When nursing mothers eat cinnamon, it helps improve the flavor of breast
milk that many babies seem to like. Plus, it helps delay the occurrence of
menstruation after childbirth and prevents early conception.
5. Garlic
Being an excellent galactagogue, garlic stimulates lactation. It has been found that
nursing mothers who eat garlic tend to feed for a longer time, and babies even like
the flavor of the milk.
6. Riped papaya
Papaya is a best source of milk production during lactation period. It is rich in
vitamin A, C, E, K , Folate and pantothenic acid. It also contain calcium potassium
and magnesium.
In one serving it keeps your tummy full. It is also helps in your digestion. It can
balance the electrolyte level in your body , keeps your metabolism fit, regulate
blood pressure and enhance the muscle functioning also.
7. Barley water
Barley is known as a lactogenic food because it contains tryptophan.
Tryptophan it serves as a precursor of serotonin (our feel good neurotransmitter),
and serotonin it supports the chemistry of lactation.
It is also the high in fiber (17-20%) among all the whole grains. Its fiber is also
food for the good bacteria in large intestine .
It contain beta glucans which maintain your blood sugar level, boost your
metabolism and keeps your immune system fit.
Good diet is especially important if you are breastfeeding to ensure that your
baby gets all the important nutrients required for proper growth and
development. A balanced diet will help your body produce breast milk and
replenish nutrients that you have lost for the benefit of your baby.
Are you expecting a little one? These tips can help you!
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